Disk No:  916                                                           
Disk Title: Play 'n' Learn                                              
PC-SIG Version: S3.0                                                    
Program Title: Play 'n' Learn                                           
Author Version: 3.0                                                     
Author Registration: Donation.                                          
Special Requirements: Graphics card.                                    
PLAY 'N' LEARN is a delightful collection of six simple educational     
games for young children, ages 1-1/2 to 4. They help children acquire   
skills in letter recognition, simple counting, and computer usage.      
AMANDA'S LETTER LOTTO teaches both upper- and lower-case alphabets;     
ZACK-A-DOODLE is a paint/draw game; COLOR SCREEN and COLOR MATCH help   
children to recognize colors; WORD WHIRL and NEXT NUMBER are perfect    
for learning words and simple counting from 1 to 9. PLAY 'N' LEARN      
also includes a game that helps a child learn shapes.                   
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.